My Work

Explore a featured selection of my writing work for numerous classes and internships below. 

Group Case Study Analysis: Cirque Du Soleil

In my Integrated Communication Management course (Fall 2023), we were tasked with creating a group case study on the changing needs of Cirque Du Soleil. Similar to the previous independent case studies, this included an evaluation of the issue, creating an opportunity statement, identifying critical factors, and pitching three campaign ideas to combat the issue at hand. We were able to present all of our findings and share our ideas, pick our strongest alternative option, and recommend Cirque Du Soleil implement it.

Independent Case Study Analysis #2: Netflix Crisis Managment

In my Integrated Communication Management course (Fall 2023), I was tasked with creating an independent case study on the crisis that occurred at Netflix when the streaming service was introduced. This included an evaluation of the issue, creating an opportunity statement, identifying critical factors, and pitching three campaign ideas to combat the issue at hand. In the end, I picked my strongest alternative option and recommended Netflix implement it in a timely manner.

Independent Case Study Analysis #1: Domino's Crisis Managment

In my Integrated Communication Management course (Fall 2023), I was tasked with creating an independent case study over a crisis that occurred at Domino's Pizza. This included an evaluation of the issue, creating an opportunity statement, identifying critical factors, and pitching three campaign ideas to combat the issue at hand. In the end, I picked my strongest alternative option and recommended Domino's implement it.